About Us

Established in 1982, Florida Properties Diversified, Inc. offers specialized services in all aspects of real estate including listing, selling and developing properties. Bonnie Neiman, broker, owner and operator, started out in commercial real estate representing national businesses opening locations in Florida. In 2024, Kallie Hilyard, licensed Realtor, joined the company continuing the family business. Most recently, FPD, Inc., is concentrating efforts selling luxury homes and seasonal condos, as the market for single family homes in Florida has moved north from south Florida to the Central and Gulf Coast. As a family business, we possess tremendous "on property" real estate experience selling this location. Innisbrook and the surrounding Tampa Bay area offers amenities to please families with not only golf, but tennis and pickle ball activities as well as activities on the water.

We know and live the Florida lifestyle relocating to Palm Harbor in the early 80’s. We would like to discuss your property and the unique options we as a combined real estate service agency have available. Obviously an inside track helps what works and what sells. We offer complete cooperation with the MLS. You can be assured your property gets the utmost attention and exposure to all MLS participants and Social Media available. Today’s real estate shoppers are “on line”

Whether you are in the market for a horse farm or agricultural land, a family home on the golf course, a beach house or waterfront property we have you covered.

We are available upon request to discuss your needs. Experience matters!